Monday, July 27, 2009

7/27/9 Setting Up Meds Isn't Just for Old Folks

I think I just learned a very important lesson. Setting up medications is very important. Some people can do it on a daily basis, and that's wonderful. I need to do it at least weekly. I was really good on most, but on others, not so hot. The proof is looking at my bruising, and how they have increased since the Plavix is now being taken daily as prescribed. So, did this contribute to my incident two weeks ago, maybe. Am I going to beat myself up over it, no. I'm taking it as a lesson learned. One of the nurses on days asked how I was doing. She said, "the last time I saw you, you didn't look so hot." I appreciate the concern. I explained that I will get the results on Thursday, then they went into shift change.

Work was a bear last night. I don't recommend getting only 2-1/2 hrs of sleep then pulling an 8 hour shift with a co-worker that does absolutely nothing and decides to leave an hour early as work starts coming in. (stayed overtime for 4 hours), then as things got really crazy the 2nd OT person didn't show up until 1st shift started. From 2am on, it was non-stop. I knew due to the lack of sleep I might have problems staying awake so grabed a "Java Monster" energy drink. It was pretty aweful but I noticed how it hyped me up. Hyping wasn't what I needed because then I simply couldn't focus. I tried to stay as calm as possible. Then as I looked at the calendar, tomorrow is supposed to be my night off.....wrong! I signed up for overtime. I'll see if anyone wants to split the shift with me. Planning on going to sleep early.

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